Rosemary leaves are spreading beauty

 From sunrise to sunset, thousands of people of different ages gather. If you want to travel on this bill, you can rent a small boat. As soon as the sun rises and the rays fall on the debt, the mind turns into a paradise of mind-blowing beauty. Autovan driver Saidul Islam said, 'People from different areas come to see this Shapla Bill in the morning and afternoon. By doing this we also earn income. Seeing Shapla Bill reminds us of our childhood memories. Ranju Hossain, an exceptional boatman who entertains by singing, said, 'Every year, many flowers bloom on the bill. I sing songs about those who come to visit in my boat and I take them to different parts of Shapla Bill. It earns around Rs 400-500 per day. I also like to travel with them.' Yunus Ali who came to visit said, 'We felt very good when we came here to visit. Some types of flowers are very beautiful It seems.'

Who does not like to see the beauty of Shapla Bill. At this time, more or less everyone is looking for pay bills in different parts of the country. One such place is Pata Dumhu Shapla Bill of West Mothertila village in Jadurchar Union of Roumari Upazila of Kurigram. Where the beauty of thousands of Shaplas is fascinating everyone. Seeing the beauty of the lotus bill that spans the horizon, it will seem like a painting painted on the chest of nature. At present, Roumari's pata smoke is crowded in the Shapla bill.

Tourists are doing. The local residents said that Ranan, the Purundhas all used to cultivate and wash jute in this bill. Since then the name of this bill became Pata Dumha Bill. However, since jute has not been cultivated for the past 5 years, Shapla flowers started to bloom after the water receded at the end of the monsoon. Every year from August to September is the Shaplar season here. In about 10,000 acres of wetlands are born billions of red, blue and white butterflies. take a look

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